Friday, May 29, 2009


This week has gone by pretty fast. I have started to get into a routine, but still wish I could be doing more to help. During my time at the Burn Center I mostly help bath the kids, feed them, read to them, play with them, and try to make them as happy as possible. Yesterday I was asked to help calm Jhoseline down after they had put some sort of gel/cream on the burn on her face. She was hysterical, but I held her hand and talked to her. I tried to get her not to focus on the pain and just talk to me. As she was sobbing she asked me if I had ever been burned. I have never been burned, but at that point I wished that I could somehow empathize with her and tell her that I know how it feels. One traumatic event in these kids' lives changes their life as they knew it. They endure pain that most people could never even imagine. Jhoseline is an incredibly strong 10 year old girl. She is one the the oldest children at the burn center and I have watched her take the cookies, that her mother has given to her, and hand them out to each of the other children. I am not sure if she is a christian, but yesterday while she was sobbing I asked her if she like music. She told me she likes "musica de Dios" (music about God) and she started to sing quietly one of the songs that they sing in her church. This brought tears to my eyes because here is this little girl who is in an incredible amount of pain and she starts to sing songs about God. This convicted me because there are so many times that I am just having a bad day and I ask God- why? and yet there are people like Jhoseline that while crying from the pain she starts to sing a song, praising God.

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